Endlich ist das Zertifikat da. Friederike schreibt auf LinkedIn: What an enjoyable and valuable time over the last six months with my Femtec.Alumnae e.V. (FTA) Network: We were …

📝 attending various trainings,
📝 verifying past project management experience,
📝 studying the aspects of project management,
📝 writing a 25-pages long report,
📝and successfully passing the exam in July.

And best of all: At the end we all received our IPMA certifications! 🎉 I am super happy to hold the IPMA Level-D certificate in my hands. What a wonderful feeling! 😍

Congratulations to my fellow project management participants Christin Herber, Andrea El-Hawari, Anna Diews, Maaike Fölster, Janine Boldt, Marlene Griswold, Marina Durrer, Marie-Kristin zum Brock, Nathalie Haußmann, Alessia Schütz, Sabine Kuznik as well as our trainer Martina Albrecht-Sölter. 👏👏👏 You are all fabulous! 🎉👏
